Emotional healing sessions are known to control the outbursts of emotions in people affected by failures in life, discrimination in competitions, physical or psychological handicaps, traumatic events caused by racism, loss and accidents, nature’s fury such tsunami, floods, drought, hurricanes etc.
Many in the field of healing believe that stuck emotions account for as much as 50% of the issues and diseases we manifest (the environment being another large part). We know how powerful music can be used to transform our emotions. Music and sound can be used to release these stuck emotions and deep emotional issues. If you look at emotions as sound and vibration (as everything is) many emotions are really annoying sounds. For example, the sound of “fear” is very much akin to a scream. It is a sound that does not support health. It is not good for the healthy functioning of your heart, your nervous system, your immune system or any of the cells in your body. Imagine being a kidney and having someone right next to you screaming in fear for a couple of hours or for days. If I were a kidney I would give it up. And, the kidneys do when accosted by the sound of fear over long periods of time.
Most of the lower emotions are associated with sounds that are really irritating, such as: pessimism, frustration, irritation, impatience, disappointment, doubt, worry, blame, discouragement, anger, revenge, hatred, rage, jealousy, insecurity, guilt, unworthiness, fear, grief, depression, despair, and powerlessness. These are distorted or inconsistent sounds, and they break down your physical body.
On the other hand, the sounds associated with higher emotions support your health, such as: contentment, hopefulness, optimism, positive expectation, belief, enthusiasm, eagerness, happiness, passion, joy, appreciation, empowered, freedom, and love. They actually nurture the beating of your heart and your nervous system. The sounds associated with these emotions are consistent and quite pure tones. Vowel sounds resonate these types of energies the best. Vowels create consistent and pure tones.
So the trick is to simply be present enough to notice when you are resonating with the irritating sound and music of lower emotions, and is simply changing the station to the consistent and beautiful sounds and music by resonating higher emotions.
One of the most powerful sound techniques is to use Hi-tech sound to transform subconscious negative beliefs. These are beliefs that generally stop us from manifesting what we want in the world. Beliefs are simply really powerful frequencies in our subconscious that are hidden from our view. They might be things like, “I’m not good enough,” or “I am not worthy of being financially abundant,” or “I can’t get healthy now that I have this sickness.” Based on the law of resonance, they simply resonate and attract into our world whatever the frequency of the belief is
The tricky part is that these beliefs are often hidden from our view. However, even when we discover them, it can still be hard to change their frequency. Often these beliefs have been reinforced by experience over many years – or many lifetimes.
Different frequencies, tones, and sounds – Wellness Vibe technology tools can induce different states to promote healing for the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. On a molecular level, our bodies are systems of vibrating atomic particles. We are living receivers and transmitters of vibration. We can use frequencies to vibrate matter and promote healing and regeneration of the different body systems. These frequencies also shift etheric patterning to heal the emotional and mental causes of disease.
Wellness Vibe Research Center has carefully studied emotional patterns and its association with Sound. Wellness Vibe Frequencies have been used for removing negative patterns and replacing it with new positive frequencies.