Sunday, 3rd July 2022


Join 2 Hours Live Free Webinar

Are You Struggling With Distractions & Cluttered Mind?

Finally! Gain More Focus And Clarity in Your Work, Business and Relations! 

Achieve Greater Success!!

Arjuna Focus 2.o

Dare to Discover Your New "YOU"

Sunday, 3rd July 2022 | Time : 11:00 AM


Arjuna Focus 2.o

Dare to Discover Your New "YOU"

Sunday, 3rd July 2022 | Time : 11:00 AM

Learn How to inculcate The Qualities of Arjuna such as Clarity and Thoughtlessness,  Intense Focus, Patience, Persistence & Performance, Courage and Fearlessness with Utmost Centeredness. and Balance. The Same qualities are applicable in Business, Relations and Career.

Important Takeaways of Becoming Arjuna

Rs. 4,999 👉 Free 

3rd July 2022 At 11:00 AM


80,000+ Lives Touched with Supreme
Divine Intervention of Vibhushri

"After this program, I began losing unwanted weight, and my skin became healthier. I am feeling younger by the day. I also find that I have become more stable, happy and free from tiredness. I have got three houses in just one year. My inner faculties have awakened. I can enter the no-thought state easily. My parents, my husband and my friends are of the opinion that I have changed for the better."
Rachna Rajguru
IT Professional Kochi
"Every time I attend one of his programs, it feels like what is being given is just what I need. What I have received at the programs has quenched some deepest thirsts on material as well as spiritual levels. Least expected promotions have come through. More significantly, I have experienced a profound stability & fear free in most difficult situations. I can meditate for hours and carry the silence with me to my daily life."
Saleem Amanulla
Senior Vice President - Ground Services Oman Air
"I have been attending Vibhushri’s workshops for several years now and I have grown with every workshop. I have become more centred, and my health, wealth, relationships and overall wellbeing have improved greatly. One of the key benefits that I have obtained due to Vibhushri’s grace is continuous spiritual growth."
Pankaj Juyal
IT Project Manager Finland
"Since attending the workshop, I have become more health conscious and find that I do not crave non-vegetarian food as much. I find that the workshop has improved my patience, made me less judgmental, less argumentative at home and compassionate with people I found unbearable earlier. My family agrees that I have changed for the better."
Atul Mudholkar
Country Head at an MNC Mumbai

This Program is for You, If You Want To....

Every aspect of your life requires a strong foundation where you can stand still and undivided without confusion, this course is designed to bring complete stability.

This course prepares us to stay grounded in any situation.

Rs. 4,999 👉 Free 

3rd July 2022 At 11:00 AM


What Exactly You Will Experience When You Start Following This Spiritual Direction?

Success Stories

Enroll Today to Get 3 Amazing Bonuses

✅ Day Clarity Planner
✅ Emotion Triggers Blueprint
✅ Focus Enhancement Guide

Rs. 4,999 👉 Free 

3rd July 2022 At 11:00 AM


Meet Your Guiding Light, Vibhushri Ji

Shri Rivesh Vade, popularly known as Nada Yogi Vibhushri, is today a synonym of revolutionary transformation by realizing the true self through effortless yet high-impact technology of sound & Frequency. 

Academically, an Engineering graduate and have completed Executive Management from IIT Bombay. He has worked with corporates at very senior positions for Microsoft, Oracle & products. After a life-changing near-death accident, his connection with Siddha Vibhutis and Guru Tattva strengthened and started reveal many sacred scriptures without even having read before.

He left his corporate career and founded Wellness Vibe & BodhMarga Foundation in 2012 and since then have been conducting workshops and retreats throughout India, UAE, UK & Thailand to awaken people in their spiritual journey. In this high impact workshop, he puts 10 years of his enlightening journey & spiritual wisdom with a simple message, “Grow Consciously Effortlessly”.

He recently was the Chief Spokesperson of the Culture of PeaceAnnual UNESCO Chair Programme On Pasaydaan at MIT World Peace University in 2021. 

He is also a Times Group Award Winner for Sound & Frequency Expert with a background in epigenetics.

His Message For You…

Media & Coverage

Recognized & Awarded By

As Seen on

Some of our Corporate Clients -

Some of our Academic Associations

See More Inspirational Testimonials...

"This Program has made me a better psychologist. It has helped me get rooted, which as a result has improved the positive outcomes for my clients and helped them bolster their own confidence. Despite life's challenges, with the help of Vibhushri’s teachings, I am able to sail through fearlessly and smoothly."
Sucheta Khot
Psychologist Thane
"From being fearful and stressed all the time over trivial things, I have become more fearless, compassionate and loving, all thanks to Vibhushri’s presence. With peace of mind and stability as constants, life has become more beautiful, and spiritual growth has become easier & faster."
Dr. Meeta Gandhi
Professor, D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering Mumbai
"Of all the transformations Vibhushri's workshops have ushered into my life, I count my improved capacity to radiate love unconditionally towards all as the one I am most grateful for. I am at peace and witnessing joy in every moment of life. Thank you Vibhushri."
Tejal Anandajiwala
Teacher Mumbai
"Attending Vibhushri’s workshops in 2020 have transformed my health, family life and spiritual practice. I am experiencing a constant state of love for those around me. I always craved for an experience of life as beautiful as the one I am experiencing every day now. My utmost gratitude to Vibhushri."
Haresh Jain
Entrepreneur New Delhi
"A few months after my brain stroke, my search for peace and healing in life began. Fortunately, I attended Vibhushri’s workshop. First and foremost, my blurry vision cleared up. The techniques taught at the workshop helped me calm my mind and balance the situations. I was also easily able to recover from my Brain Stroke. Today, I am feeling abundant and more satisfied in my work and personal life. Many people have noticed the new, more emphatic, and calmer Teresa. I am forever grateful to Vibhushri for being in my life and helping me transform."
Teresa Yang
Entrepreneur Mumbai
"I had achieved all my professional goals but I was burnt out, depressed, and highly disturbed emotionally. I had lost the will to work & was contemplating suicide. All I had were questions but no answers. I had tried several healing modalities & meditations but they offered limited help. It all changed after my first workshop with Vibhushri. I immediately felt peace and happiness within and the feeling persisted way after the workshop ended. I also found the answers I was looking for all along. I am thankful to Vibhushri. His mere presence brings peace and harmony to those who are fortunate to associate with him. Vibhushri changed my life."
Poonam Marwah
Senior IT Professional New Delhi
"From being fearful and stressed all the time over trivial things, I have become more fearless, compassionate and loving, all thanks to Vibhushri’s presence. With peace of mind and stability as constants, life has become more beautiful, and spiritual growth has become easier & faster."
Dr. Meeta Gandhi
Professor, D. J. Sanghvi College of Engineering Mumbai
" Vibhushri’s gift in the form of his Workshop came to me in 2015 and created a wellspring of peace within me. It brought abundance into my life. Earlier, I would always feel dull and drained of energy. My energy levels have improved by several degrees following the workshop."
Ramandeep Kaur
Yoga Teacher Guwahati
"Attending Vibhushri’s workshops marked the beginning of the removal of blockages that were created by accumulated karma and overthinking. The energy changes in the body deepened my love and compassion for humanity. I am viewing the world with a look of acceptance which, in turn, has changed the quality of my experiences. I now can cope with life better and the people I meet reflect more calmness. The intuitive power of my navel has increased. It gives me a sense of stability & a continuous state of joy unaltered by external events."
Antonela Costea
Language and literature teacher Bucharest, Romania

So What Would You Choose?

Keep on Taking Actions your whole life without any Clarity of Path, Clarity of Who You are and What is Your Ultimate Potential, Just Like a Shooter without Aim.


Activate Your Spiritual Potential & Achieve State of Arjuna with Clarity and Thoughtlessnes, Intense Focus, Patience, Persistence & Performance, Courage and Fearlessness with Utmost Centeredness.

The Choice is Yours

Frequently asked Questions ?

Session will start at sharp 11 :00 AM on 3rd July 2022. Start joining atleast 20 minutes earlier since in the past also we have seen few people are left outside zoom since even having high capacity of zoom then also no of attendees go beyond our expectation always.

This will be live session. No recording will be shared since we want you to be highly attentive and start practicing consciousness from the session itself.

Need to attend using Laptop/PC for Maximum Benefit, Keep Diary and Pen Ready to Note the Key Takeaways where You are Moved, Inspired and Inclined to take Actions.

Arjuna Focus 2.o

Dare to Discover Your New "YOU"

Sunday, 3rd July 2022 | Time : 11:00 AM

Session will start at sharp 11AM on 3rd July 2022. Start joining atleast 20 minutes earlier since in the past also we have seen few people are left outside zoom since even having high capacity of zoom then also no of attendees go beyond our expectation always.

Rs. 4,999 👉🏿 Free 

3rd July 2022 At 11:00 AM


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